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So, after all of this, your PassMe isn't working. Here is a troubleshooting guide to determine what is causing the problem:

Troubleshooting Starting Place

Problems Building the PassMe

Programming the CPLD Failed:

  1. Use a multimeter to test connections. For details, see Testing Pin 3 on CPLD
  2. Apply flux and resolder the pins on the CPLD.

Problems Booting

You've flashed your GBA Cart and inserted it into the NDS. You've also put the PassMe into the NDS with a DS Cart inserted into the passme. When you turn on your NDS, what do you see?

NDS Boots to GBA Screen

Nintendo Logo is Pixelated

NDS Screens Both White

NDS Boots to GBA Screen

  1. Check to make sure PCI pins are making contact with DS cart. For details, see Testing Cart to PCB

Nintendo Logo is Pixelated

  1. Check to make sure PCI pins are making contact with DS cart. For details, see Testing Cart to PCB. I'm not sure which pin, but I have seen this as well, and checking the connections seems to fix it.

NDS Screens Both White

This is actually good, this means that PassMe is working, you just need to figure out why it won't run DS code from your flash cart.

NDS Screens Still Both White

  1. Try erasing your flash cart and only loading the name.ds.gba file. (Not the .bin file, those are only for emulators.)
  2. Try a demo that is known to be working.

On to Tested Flash Carts.

Generated on Fri Jul 22 13:23:07 2005 for Lynx's PassMe Construction and Use by  doxygen